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2018 (1)
Alexey Lapusta

Alexey Lapusta

Head of Solutions Engineering at Mambu
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Bio Guiding FinTechs and Banks on launching new Digital propositions in the Cloud. Technology Advisory and Solution Architecture. Career History Helping Tier-1 to neobanks with Digital Transformations across the globe over last 6 years driving Solutions Architecture at Mambu (Cloud Core Banking Engine) and Backbase (Omni-channel Digital Banking Platform). More on


Digital Banking Trends

The Architect’s Guide to Digital Banking

21 May 2018

Are you a CIO/CTO/Architect trying to make sense of different technology approaches to your Digital Banking Transformation? Check industry insider’s view on what’s going on. Disclaimer: Views in this article are my own based on the involvement in the Digital Transformations projects from Tier-1 to neobanks across the globe over last 6 years as a So...